Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On Art from Science

Copyright © 2005 Hunter O'Reilly

"Hunter O’Reilly obtained a Ph.D. in genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and graduated cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley. Her abstractions have been shown internationally including galleries in New York, San Francisco, England, Italy, Japan, the Czech Republic, Indiana and Wisconsin."

"Observations in the laboratory and the world around her inspire the shapes in her abstract oil paintings. Hunter's abstract art hints at both organic matter at the highest level (human faces) and at the smallest level (single cells). This section includes many images of artwork."

"O'Reilly teaches biology and art at Loyola University Chicago. She created a course, Biology Through Art, where students have the opportunity to create innovative artworks in a biology laboratory. Students view microorganisms, use DNA as an artistic medium, create music based on DNA sequence and see anatomy as art. The course culminates in students creating their own biological self-portrait."

More images here.

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